Usually a thought come to mind, if someone figured out a way to bottle laughter they’d be seriously rich.
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Laughing is as natural as breathing and people also tend to take it just as much for granted. Laughter not only benefits your mood, it also has surprising health benefits towards mortality, your immune system and various other dreadful diseases.
The psychological response from belly laughter is the opposite of that from classical stress. So fun-filled laughter is a eustress state- a state that produces positive emotions. Laughter increase the number and activity of natural killer cells that attacked viral- infected cells. So, laughter is your invaluable resource to deal with stress. It’s proven that people who laugh a lot live longer, have fewer ailments, and are less prone to depressions. It is a sure shot for reduction of the stress hormones.
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Laughter prevents hypertension more effective in women. Frequent belly laughs empty your lungs for more air than it takes in, resulting in a cleansing effect- similar to deep breathing. Especially beneficial if you suffer from respiratory ailments as laughter causes you inhale and exhale deeply, increasing the vital capacity of your lungs.
Laughter is a very effective stress buster. It’s therapeutic, like yoga, and reduces the production of stress hormones so when stress levels reduce, it automatically benefits your heart. Laughing increase oxygenation of the blood, which has the potential to give the muscle in your abdomen, respiratory tract and diaphragm much needed exercise!
So, when you start laughing, negative feelings are dispelled. Your brain releases a chemical, which is your body’s natural pain killer.
And above all actor Audrey Hepburn once said” I love people who make me laugh. Its probably the most important thing in a person”. Well, most of us would agree. Happy people are extremely attractive and I too draw that inspiration from my mother as she laughs a lot. A genuinely good -humored person exudes positivity- just the kind of a person you want to hang out with. So, if you want to take up your popularity quotient significantly, look at the funny side more often.
So crack up or laugh out more often for good health to enjoy the feeling of well being.
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